Search results: Short sales information
Articles on Short sales from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Ten Tips About Short Sales
Here are the top ten tips for succeeding in short sales: Be knowledgeable. Nothing beats good training. Knowing the short sale business allows to quickly assess foreclosure situations and determine whether or not to be involved. Understand the foreclosure process. The principles of foreclosure are ...
Real Estate Short Sales - Foreclosure Investing for Pennies
Short sales are becoming more and more popular as more and more investors learn this creative technique which can create huge profits. A short sale is when a lender accepts a discount on a mortgage to avoid a possible foreclosure auction or bankruptcy. Instead of buying from a seller, you are ...
Succeed In Short Sales
Are you looking for discounted property? Then short sales are a great way to obtain a property below retail price. Everybody knows that the quickest way to succeed in real estate is to obtain properties at a discount for either holding or flipping. Short sales are an excellent way to accomplish ...
Parties Involved In A Short Sale
Short sales are one of real estate's most thrilling acquisition strategies. Short sales are about obtaining properties at good prices by resolving people's problems. Short sales are multi player win-win transactions. Here are the parties involved in a short sale. Satisfy them all and you will be ...
Ten Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Short Sales
Short sales are thrilling transactions. In a short sale, an insolvent homeowner about to be foreclosed sells a property for less than what is owed. The remainder of the debt is forgiven. Success at this requires dedicated professionalism. Dedicated professionals know what to do and what to avoid. ...
Short Sales - 3 Key Factors Gurus Never Tell You About How To Do Short Sales
For those of you who are new to the Short Sale arena or new to real estate investment, let's first define what a "short sale" is and what it's SUPPOSED to accomplish. A short sale is the process of negotiating with a Mortgage Lender to convince them to accept less than the Homeowner's mortgage ...
Short Sales - Tips For A Successful Loss Mitigation Transaction
Short sales can be a life-changing option for many people. Although it can be painful to walk away from your home, it's important to realize you can make any house a home. If you are facing foreclosure, real estate short sales can provide you with the opportunity to break free from the bondage of ...
Short Sales - A Viable Alternative to Foreclosure
Foreclosure is of one of the most traumatic experiences a homeowner can face. The embarrassment of losing a home to foreclosure is compounded by the foreclosure's devastating effects on your credit scores and ability to qualify for new credit. With an increase of 79% in foreclosure rates in 2007, ...
Short Sale Questions
The main stream media continues to be rich with stories about the struggling real estate market, here in the Sacramento area as well as across the country. They generally revolve around the increasing number of foreclosures, the mortgage crisis and now some of the government programs that may or ...
The Long and The Short of Short Sales
If you're relatively new to real estate investment, you may have heard the term "short sale" and wondered what it meant and what, if any, opportunities there are for you in this market. The best way to explain a short sale is with an example: A home owner has debt on a house that's greater than the ...